Two Stories in Twelve Hours

Welcome to the time I wrote two stories in twelve hours.

This actually isn’t unheard of for me; ideas sometimes start flooding in for me all at once—something about unlatching the door to the Imagination Cupboard and seeing what’s been accumulating inside. What is unusual for me is having no other option but to write two stories in 12 hours.

When the pressure is on, suddenly that cupboard latch starts to feel more like a well-loved toothpaste tube that you’re fighting to squeeze the last amount out of.

This is the position I found myself in when I entered the final round of the NYC Midnight 250-Word Microfiction Challenge writing contest (contest results are currently pending).

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Short Story: Mother Knows Best

I'm thrilled to announce that my short story, "Mother Knows Best," won First Place in round two of the NYC Midnight 250-Word Microfiction Challenge writing contest!

5,400+ people entered the competition back in October and I am now one of 125 writers moving on to the final round!

The way the contest works is: you receive a prompt at 11:59 PM containing a required genre, action, and word. You then have 24 hours to write a 250-word (maximum) short story incorporating all three.

My prompt was:
GENRE: Suspense/Thriller
ACTION: Getting an oil change
WORD: Crack

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Short Story: My Monster Wingman

This is a short story I wrote for a writing contest back in 2020. Although it is technically “finished,” I know what happens next and haven’t written it, yet—which makes this also very, very unfinished. Or maybe possibly a Part One?

Warning: Rated “R”

My Monster Wingman

"It's safe, now," I whisper, leaning over the bed.

My monster sticks his head out. "Really? You mean it? I don't have to go back?"

"Never again," I reassure him. "It's popsicles and strippers from here on out."

He growls with displeasure. "You know that doesn't do anything for me, right? Too few arms, not enough eyes."


"You're gross."

I pat my bed. "Come on, hop up. Be my wingman." I hold out my phone and show him the violently pink heart bubbles floating on the screen. "She keeps sending me 'likes,' but ignoring my messages."

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Short Story: Superheroes Anonymous

“Hello, and welcome to Supers Anonymous, where we help each other recover from the trauma of being Overpowered Beings.”

Anthony, an apartment building superintendent, shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Contrary to what he had believed upon seeing the sign, he would not find himself in the warm bosom of like-minded brethren, swapping horror stories about clogged toilets and nightmare tenants.

A man wearing comically-large oven mitts stands up. “Hi, I’m Mega Mitts, and this morning a tenant of mine clogged up her toilet like she was angry at it.”

Huh. Or maybe I will.

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Short Story: Charlie

This short story won “Honorable Mention” in round two of the NYC Midnight 250-Word Microfiction Challenge writing contest!

The way the contest works is: you receive a prompt at 11:59 PM containing a required genre, action, and word. You then have 24 hours to write a 250-word (maximum) short story incorporating all three.

My prompt was:

Genre: Historical fiction

Action: Bricklaying

Word: "step"

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Short Story: Cozy Saturdays

This 250-word short story won eighth place in the first round of NYC Midnight’s “250-word Microfiction Challenge 2021” International Writing Contest. Contest participants were given a prompt at midnight, and then required to turn in a 250-word maximum short story within 24 hours.

The prompt consisted of a required genre, action, and word.

My prompt was:

GENRE: Ghost Story

ACTION: Running

WORD: “play”

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Short Story: Lady Sunshine

This story won 7th place in the first round of NYC Midnight’s “250-word Microfiction Challenge 2020” writing contest. Contest participants were given a prompt with a required genre, action, and word at midnight and then required to turn in a 250-word maximum short story within 24 hours.

My prompt was:

  • Genre: Horror

  • Action: Pet sitting

  • Word: Serve

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