"Visiting G.R.A.N.D.M.A." Week 4 Update: Sex Dormitories, Homemade Deodorant, and Why You Should Never Accept Hot Chocolate From a Friendly Raccoon

Welcome to Week Four of my project, “I Created A Video Game in 8 Weeks, Using RPG Maker MZ,” where I create a self-contained video game quest with impact, choices, and multiple endings, from scratch, using RPG Maker MZ!

Last week, I created my video game’s intro! (Did anyone order a boatload of exposition?) Read all about it, here!

This week I focused on the soft skills of game creation: narrative design, theme, and how to create complex, interesting villains…all while implementing the hard skills that I have gained over the course of the project.

It was a hodgepodge of creation.

A flurry of activity.

A hotbed of ideas.

...We’re talking theme, we’re talking sex dormitories, we’re talking sympathetic villains. It was a little bit of everything, all rolled into one (cue Alanis Morisette voiceover).

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I Learned How to Use Self-Switches in RPG Maker MZ, in Order to Interact With a Sack of Flirtatious Potatoes

Hi! My name is Charlotte Toumanoff, and I am a first-time game developer. This post is part of my project, “I Created A Video Game in 8 Weeks, Using RPG Maker MZ,” where I create a self-contained video game quest with impact, choices, and multiple endings, from scratch, using RPG Maker MZ.

To see the rest of the project (and play the game), click here!

…Welcome to the time I learned how to program self-switches, in order to have my character interact with a sack of flirtatious potatoes!

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I Created A Video Game in Eight Weeks, Using RPG Maker MZ

…A recently orphaned boy, on the verge of adulthood.

...A mysterious summons from an ineffable presence.

...A cult that sprang out of a famine.

...A choice that impacts the lives of many.

Welcome to Visiting G.R.A.N.D.M.A., a video game I made from scratch using RPG Maker MZ!

Grounded in emotional realism, yet swimming in absurdism, Visiting G.R.A.N.D.M.A. is a hilarious romp with a dark storyline. It has multiple endings that each emphasize the impact and consequences of the players’ choices and will stay with you long after you finish playing.

What will happen to the people you encounter? How will meeting you affect their lives? Only you can say.

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