Book Excerpt: "Swamp Creature"

A word of advice: if there are signs outside of your dorm warning you about an emergency drill the next day, write it down so you will remember. And if you decide to take a nap, keep a change of clothes within easy reach of your bed.

As you may already suspect, I was sleeping when the emergency alarm went off today in my university dorm.

In retrospect, I guess it is pretty impressive that I managed to stumble over to my clothes, blink at myself in the mirror, locate my dorm room’s door, and stumble out into the hall...all in time to run into the cute boy I’ve been crushing on for the past three weeks.

Crush: "You look tired."

Me: "Grrrraaaaaggggh."

Encountering a gorgeous human while personally looking like a swamp creature that just woke up from an enchanted sleep is embarrassing, but I’ve had worse Wednesdays.

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The Incomparable Rudeness of Time

Can we all agree that time and gravity are extremely rude? I don’t recall signing a consent form to make parts of my body feel like they are laughing and pointing at me at all hours of the day.

The older I get, the more I relate to a nervous chihuahua: jittery, with decreased bladder control.

As someone who recently had a discussion with a friend about the pros and cons of buying a bread maker, suddenly finds the dads in Disney films hot, and now understands the appeal of naps, I can’t ignore the truth any longer: I’m an adult.

This revelation feels like being slapped in the face with a dueling glove, with no hope for retaliation.

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